Sunday, August 17, 2008

The CEO Getting People Right

Do you have the right PEOPLE in the right seats doing the right things . . . RIGHT?

Would you enthusiastically rehire all of your key players?

There are four critical CEO decisions that determine the fate of a business over time:
1. People
2. Strategy
3. Execution
4. Cash
Get 'em right and your a winner; get 'em wrong and your a loser.

The order of these is always gris for the debate mill, but I doubt that company's dubbed as successful over time are staffed with C and D players. To the contrary, they're typically loaded with A players with a few B's that have A level potential. And the A player scenario always starts with the CEO.

So, if your company is under performing, take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself; would I enthusiastically rehire all of my key people?

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