Sunday, May 18, 2008

People Thoughts

If you run a business, even a one person band, I believe there are four key decisions (from Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish) that will make or break the business.
  1. People
  2. Strategy
  3. Execution
  4. Cash

The order of these is always griss for the debate mill, e.g. no cash, no business. However, people sits at the top of this list for a reason. It's hard to imagine a company recognized as an industry leader over time being led by and staffed with mediocre performers. The success formula is as follows:

Competent leader + A players = Well above average performance

If you're curious about the quality of people in your company, or yourself in the role you're in, ask yourself the following RIGHT questions:

  • Do you have the right people?
  • Are the people in the right seats?
  • Are they doing the right things?
  • Are they doing the right things right?

If you're unable to answer confidently in the affirmative, there's important work to be done.


Anonymous said...

What if we don't know what's right?

Anonymous said...

Rick, in keeping with Mike's "four step plans", if we don't know what is right, I suggest following these four steps....

1. drop to your knees
2. Prayer to God
3. Listen for his answer
4. Bust your hump doing what he instructs

Anonymous said...

Responding to Rick's question - Maybe, if we don't know what's right, we need to shred our security blankets! Does anybody ever hold onto the things that he or she knows are not right, just because they don't know what IS right?

Rick already gets my reference above. Everyone else should check out this other post: THERAINMAKERMAKER.COM/2008/05/19/starting-over.aspx